
Hulled Millet Organic 100gr

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Millet is one of the oldest foods known to man and is packed with plenty of nourishing plant-based goodness, in particular protein and dietary fibre. It is widely grown as a cereal crop, originating in Africa and the Indian sub-continent thousands of years ago. This organic hulled millet has a nutty, slightly sweet flavour with a light, fluffy texture that makes it a very versatile grain in many sweet and savoury recipes.


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Amore Food Market & Cafe

The Amore Food Wholefoods Market shop supplies over 1200 wholefoods including fresh organic produce around NZ. Kelly likes to keep people informed as to the health benefits of eating REAL whole foods as well as sharing information she has researched over the past 8+ years or helping achieve optimum health including the need for the best wholefood supplements. NOW OPEN the Amore Food Cafe also.