
Green Trading Organic Black Cumin Seed Oil - 100ml

NZ$35.00 NZ$23.90
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Black cumin seed oil (Nigella Sativa) is a pleasantly pungent and spicy tasting oil with a huge range of benefits experienced by many peoples over a recorded history of 4000 years.  Can be used in a myriad of culinary recipes as well as externally.

About Black Seed:

For centuries, the Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) herb and oil have been used by millions of people in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe to promote health and well-being. The uniqueness of the seeds from South Asia, Nigella Sativa is first realized by the many names that it is referred to as Black Cumin, Black Caraway, Onion Seed, or Kalonji, it has been widely studied for its broad range of health benefits and immune system supporting properties. The amazing herb contains Thymoquinone (TQ) and is also a source of EFA,s 3/6/9.


100% Organic Raw Cold Pressed Virgin Black Seed Oil packed in a glass bottle. Contains 2.5%  thymoquinone.

Note: The bottle comes with a fitted dropper cap.  If you need to use more than a drop then please remove the white fitted dropper cap from the bottle and then pour it into your spoon. There is no need to keep the fitted dropper cap. It is there just as an option.

Refer online for Health Benefits

Black cumin seed oil is a great immune system booster.

Update – scientific studies suggest black cumin seed may be good against Covid 19

This article titled  Prophetic Medicine-Nigella Sativa (Black cumin seeds) – Potential herb for COVID-19? explores some of that.

If you don’t want to read the whole article, read the conclusion here in the red text.

“4. Conclusion

Various randomized controlled trials, pilot studies, case reports, and in vitro and in vivo studies confirmed that N. Sativa (black cumin seed oil), has antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, bronchodilatory, antihistaminic, antitussive activities related to the causative organism, and signs and symptoms of COVID-19.

In addition, N. Sativa (black cumin seed oil), has also shown anti-hypertensive, anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-ulcer, and antineoplastic activities which would help the COVID-19 patients with comorbid conditions. Moreover, the active constituents of N. Sativa such as nigellone and α-hederin have been identified as a potential inhibitors of SARS CoV-2. N. Sativa could be used as an adjuvant therapy along with repurposed conventional drugs to manage the patients with COVID-19.”

More information and references for black cumin seed oil and Covid can be found on my Zenian Organic YouTube channel

The research and interest in black cumin seed oil have increased hugely since covid 19 made its unwelcome appearance in December 2019 in numbers.

I’m reading material that’s been published in June and July 2020.

I’ll post further articles as information comes to hand.

Do you want an all-purpose immune system booster?  Do you have a serious health issue? Then consider black cumin seed oil, strong – a heavy hitter in the therapeutic oil world.

Black cumin seed oil strong

This black cumin seed oil has a minimum of 4.0% thymoquinone content.

Thymoquinone is the element of the oil that gives it its therapeutic grunt.  The higher the thymoquinone content, the more potential therapeutic benefit.

But be warned, this strong black cumin seed oil is pungent and challenging to consume straight off the spoon without having a teaspoon of honey as a chaser.

Honey is said to compound the therapeutic effect of the black cumin seed oil.  I’ve asked around widely but not found any satisfactory explanation as to how this works.  So you’ll just have to take my word for it.

People with significant health conditions should consider this strong black cumin seed oil.

Usual cautions apply!  This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical or health conditions that you may have.  Or which you should seek advice for from a registered medical practitioner.

People wanting a general boost to their immune systems should take this.

People who have or are recovering from significant health problems should read the scientific references that have investigated the use of black cumin seed oil.

These will give you the confidence to take this product that has been used in a wide range of situations for a huge range of health conditions.

Background information on black cumin seed oil

Black cumin seed oil, Nigella Sativa  (also called kalonji by Indian peoples and Haba al-barakah by Arabic speakers) is one of the great healing wonders of the world.  It ranks alongside coconut oil in terms of the sheer number of health conditions for which it can be used.  Punching this search into PubMed ( ) reveals some 585 scientific references for its use.


Pressed Black Cumin Oil is obtained by careful mechanical pressing of Nigella sativa L. (Ranunculaceae) seed with subsequent filtration, but without further treatment (e.g. deacidification, bleaching deodorization).

The plant is cultivated in Southern Europe and Western Asia. Apart from oil production, the seeds are also used on pastries (e.g. flatbread). The clear, fatty oil is of a green-brownish color, slight spicy odor, and a pleasantly hot taste. It contains about roughly 0,5 and 1,5% essential oils.

Recorded use

Its recorded use reaches back some 3 – 4000 odd years to Tutankhamun and the ancient Romans, the Ancient Egyptians, Romans, Biblical references – Isiah old testament, Assyrians,  Naturopathic masters – Hippocrates, extensive Ayurvedic and Oriental references for use.


The key aspects of this oil are:

  • Strong anti-inflammatory effect
  • Proven vasodilatory effect
  • Strong anti-viral properties

This is what black cumin seed oil or nigella sativa has been used for:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic – pain
  • Natural anti-biotic
  • Cancer
  • Tumor therapy
  • Antifungal – anti-candida
  • Diabetes
  • Thrombosis – blood clot preventer
  • Over-reactive Immune System (allergies, rheumatism, M.S., leukemia, hayfever, and asthma)
  • Hormone System (P.M.S.)
  • Allergic Skin Diseases (inflammations, edemas, nettle rash, acne & eczema)
  • Neurodermitis
  • Digestive Problems
  • Cough, Colds & Flu
  • Tumors
  • Intestinal Parasites (worms; amoeba)
  • Liver and Gall bladder complaints
  • Kidney and Bladder problems
  • Bladder inflammation
  • Rheumatic and Arthritic pain
  • Bruises and injuries
  • Weak concentration, mental exhaustion, lethargy, confusion
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Colic in babies
  • Sinusitis
  • Sexual impotency
  • Anti-viral

How it works

Black cumin seed oil (nigella sativa or kalonji) contains over 100 components that work together synergistically. When we include this healing product in our daily diet we are supplied with an endless list of healing components and nutrition that are required for vitality and good health.  It comprises 20% protein, 35% carbohydrates, 35-45% vegetable oils, and fats, Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential oil 0-4.5%, trace elements and enzymes.

Fatty acid analysis of the extracted oil:

  • 56% linoleic acid
  • 24.6% oleic acid
  • 12% palmitic acid
  • 3% stearic acid
  • 2.5% eicosadienoic acid
  • 0.7% linolenic acid
  • 0.16% myristic acid
NZ$35.00 NZ$23.90
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The Amore Food Wholefoods Market shop supplies over 1200 wholefoods including fresh organic produce around NZ. Kelly likes to keep people informed as to the health benefits of eating REAL whole foods as well as sharing information she has researched over the past 8+ years or helping achieve optimum health including the need for the best wholefood supplements. NOW OPEN the Amore Food Cafe also.