Most people are aware that we need to feed our gut biome and address the imbalance by adding active probiotics in some form to our daily diet. However for some even after removing refined sugar, processed foods & as many chemical & toxic sources (non organic produce & food, skincare, cleaning chemicals, herbicides, pesticides etc), adding fermented foods (sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir) and gut healing foods (gelatine & bone broths or for vegan/vegetarians slippery elm & irish moss powders) extra probiotics are still required to maintain a healthy gut flora balance so hence why many supplement with probiotics.
However not all probiotics are created equal & that is why it pays to research the quality, efficacy & actual content of your daily probiotic. Most of the patented branded probiotics on the market have been modified so they are not the natural original strains that are most beneficial for your gut health & you can only prove their efficacy for YOU personally by actually trying the probiotic of choice for several months on yourself (you are the best laboratory of course) & then finding out if that probiotic (usually pill, capsules or some powders) is actually doing anything for you based on how you feel, improvements in your digestive health and your bowel regularity other than actually getting comprehensive laboratory testing done on your stool sample to check the micro-biome composition (was one of my jobs as a microbiologist). It's all about your GUT INSTINCT!