
Chocolate & Sweets

Try making your own super food combos & trail mixes using the Cacao Berry Crunch, Chocolate covered cacao nibs or golden berries, a selection of raw nuts, organic coconut chips & pumpkin seeds.  You will be able to conquer the world(or at least your busy day) with a handful of your own home made power snack pack.  

Alternatively make your trail mix into breakfast or snack bars: Gently melt some organic raw coconut oil(200g), organic raw cacao butter(100g), stir through 4 TBSP organic cacao powder, whisk & add your trail mix(2 Cups) & press into cake tin, pop into fridge to set, cut to size & viola you have home made super food snack bars or breakfast bars. 

Amore Food Market & Cafe

The Amore Food Wholefoods Market shop supplies over 1200 wholefoods including fresh organic produce around NZ. Kelly likes to keep people informed as to the health benefits of eating REAL whole foods as well as sharing information she has researched over the past 8+ years or helping achieve optimum health including the need for the best wholefood supplements. NOW OPEN the Amore Food Cafe also.