
Female Sanitary Products

Heli Kurjanen CEO & Founder of Lunette

Kelly from Amore Food Wholefoods Market Shop & Cafe(bigger retail shop & cafe launching in the NEW YEAR) is proud to be an approved retailer off the Lunette range of menstrual cups whether instore or to the more2u online community!

Why did I choose Lunette?  A short history of Lunette!

Lunette - More than a company now the worlds top menstrual cup

Heli Kurjanen(PHOTO ABOVE - CEO & founder of Lunette based in Finland ) had a vision about the future of period care.  Tired of bleeding into tampons and pads, she decided to buy a menstrual cup online, only to find that these things also didn’t work for her. However, the freedom and flexibility of a menstrual cup sparked a light in her brain. Why not make my own menstrual cup, one that actually works for me?

With laser vision and improved design rooted in safety, ease, and comfort (and compatible for women of every age, shape, size and childbearing stage), Heli led the charge to create the world’s top menstrual cup – Lunette.

Lunettes' mission is to have honest and inspiring conversation about menstruation so that they can motivate period positivity- and change the world one cup at a time.  Lunette is so much more than a cup. It's a lifestyle. It's a community. It's the future!

Team Lunette believes in bringing education, opportunities, and intelligent period care solutions for every menstruating person on the planet – because no one deserves to stop their normal day-to-day life just because they don’t have access to safe and comfortable menstrual care.

Lunette is all about liberation. We’re advocates of individuality without selfishness, community without conformity and of course equality for all. You don’t need anyone to “empower” you, because you already have the power within to liberate yourself from external expectations, limitations and period care products that are bad for your body and the environment.

Leadership - We lead by example, practicing period positivity and shame-free bleeding.

Inclusivity - No matter how you identify, you're welcome here with open arms.

Sustainability - We are committed to leaving the earth better than we found it.

Optimism - We believe Lunette is the future of period care.

Accessibility - Everyone with a uterus deserves easy access to period care products.

Education - By educating people about menstruation, we are activating the power within.

Check out the  range of genuine Lunette products available exclusively through approved retailers like MORE2U online or pop instore to chat with Kelly about the Lunette range at the new shop located 1 Sarah St, Timaru :) 

So most of us know the saying 'you are what you eat' right? 

Well a more accurate statement is you are what you absorb at the cellular level anyway & that is why at MORE2U we stock nutrient dense wholefoods & supplements so you can get the most out of what you eat by way of absorption at the cellular level.  Now think about your skin & what you put on it or near it? What do you want to be absorbing through your skin or in fact what DONT you want to be absorbing through your skin?

The human body's largest organ is the integumentary system, which includes the skin, hair, nails, glands and nerve receptors so it's important that we limit the daily toxic load on our bodies & to help with that MORE2U has started offering organic & chemical free personal care products for you & your family.





Amore Food Shop & Cafe

The Amore Food shop supplies over 1200 wholefoods incl. fresh org & SF produce around NZ. Kelly likes to help people on their road to health & share the benefits of eating REAL whole foods as well as info she has researched over the past 12+ years. The Amore Food Cafe offers REAL FOOD made with love. The Amore Wellness Clinic is where Aaron offers biofeedback scans & much more!