
Basic Bone Broth

BONE BROTH INFORMATION & BASIC RECIPE – compiled by Kelly More from

Broth (or technically, stock) is a mineral rich infusion made by boiling bones of healthy animals with vegetables, herbs and spices. You’ll find a large stock pot of broth/stock simmering in the kitchen of almost every 5-star restaurant for its great culinary uses and unparalleled flavour, but it is also a powerful health tonic that you can easily add to your family’s diet. Broth is a traditional food that your grandmother likely made often (and if not, your great-grandmother definitely did). Many societies around the world still consume broth regularly as it is a cheap and highly nutrient dense food.

Besides it’s amazing taste and culinary uses, (chicken soup when you are sick anyone?). 

It can be made from the bones of beef, lamb, poultry, or fish, and vegetables and spices are often added.  Anyone who has read Gut and Psychology Syndrome knows the many benefits of bone broth.  Broth is also helpful to have on hand when anyone in the family gets sick as it can be soothing during illness, even if the person doesn’t feel like eating. 

Ingredients (red highlighted items can be sourced from Kelly at MORE2U either click on links or contact Kelly with any  ?'s)


  1. If you are using raw bones, especially beef bones, it improves flavor to roast them in the oven first. I place them in a roasting pan and roast for 30 minutes at 180 degrees C.
  2. Then, place the bones in a large stock pot (I use a 10 L pot). Pour (filtered) water over the bones and add the vinegar. Let sit for 20-30 minutes in the cool water. The acid helps make the nutrients in the bones more available.
  3. Rough chop and add the vegetables (except the parsley and garlic, if using) to the pot. Add any salt, pepper, spices, or herbs, if using.
  4. Now, bring the broth to a boil. Once it has reached a vigorous boil, reduce to a simmer and simmer at least 12 - 24 hours but I often have a large pot going over a few days.
  5. During the first few hours of simmering, you'll need to remove the impurities that float to the surface. A frothy/foamy layer will form and it can be easily scooped off with a big spoon. Throw this part away. I typically check it every 20 minutes for the first 2 hours to remove this. Grass-fed and healthy animals will produce much less of this than conventional animals.
  6. During the last 30 minutes, add the garlic and parsley, if using.
  7. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Strain using a fine metal strainer to remove all the bits of bone and vegetable. When cool enough, store in a gallon size glass jar in the fridge for up to 5 days, or freeze for later use.

Most organic ingredients can be found at  & Kelly can also source free range & organic chicken.

Amore Food Market & Cafe

The Amore Food Wholefoods Market shop supplies over 1200 wholefoods including fresh organic produce around NZ. Kelly likes to keep people informed as to the health benefits of eating REAL whole foods as well as sharing information she has researched over the past 8+ years or helping achieve optimum health including the need for the best wholefood supplements. NOW OPEN the Amore Food Cafe also.